What if murder was just swept away?


What do you do when you saw murder as a child? You forget about it and push it to the backof your mind. Until one day it creeps forward peice by peice forcing you to remember scenes a bit at a time but all in the wrong order. I could swear I witnessed two murders as a child. One was of a man being stabbed in a ware house. The images I remember of that were of an average sized white house with an alley way next to it, its relevant but I dont know why yet. Followed by the murder of a man, he was stabbed, then I look again to see Piggy covered in blood and a body floating down the river at the back of this warehouse. I run away and hide in a tree. The rest is a blank. The second is in a garden of a family member, Im not sure whos garden it was. The grass was really tall and theres a yellow and red plastic car outside. Then out comes a man from the back door and grabs a big thick branch from the overgrown grass, then rams it in the stomach of another man. There was blood pouring from his mouth then he fell to the floor. He wasnt breathing and as before, the rest is all a blank. Ive spent a lot of time trying yo go over it step by step and each time some more information is revealed. But only a little. I suppose its better than nothing. Ive not told a soul about this until now. I suppose airing this thoughts and experiences are bringing out more memories I had hoped to move on from. But to move on one must first confront things before going past them. Now is a good a time as any to try.

Published by

The Lost Truths

Searching for what is to date an invisible justice. sharing my life story to hopefully encourage others to come forward and to speak out and seek that ever illusive justice.

2 thoughts on “What if murder was just swept away?”

  1. Thank you for sharing one of your memories from being a child. Thing is with PTSD it comes when you can cope. We think we can’t but we survive the memory & assimilate it, then we get more the next time. Don’t try so hard to think about it it will all come back eventually. I myself have C.P.T.S.D so I really sympathise with you. Again thank you for being so brave x


    1. Thank you for those kind words. Proffesionals suspected I had PTSD and aspergers autism, as well as attatchment disorder. Thats a blog for later on. I find myself suffering physical symptoms upon writing these blogs, like chest pain, nausea, dizzyness, sickness and so on. I wont be penning another until tuesday but theres is another blog scheduled for tommorow to be published.


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