What did I do with my life?

Well as the headline suggests, this is what I did. I put it behind me, I can not control what happened, but I can control what I do in the future. I went to college, got qualifications, met someone nice. the usual. More importantly, 7 years ago, I took the control away from my abuser and told him to fuck off. It was not easy to get to this point though. After self harming and attempting suicide, running away all the time, beating my self up over the past, and generally being miserable. Now Ihave a decent life with my wonderful daughter who makes life worth living, and my boyfriend of 7 years make it worth living and striving to carry on further still. I may not have a job, or be exceptionally talented but I am fortunate to have what I have. Were Donkey reading this I’m sure he will say that it was thanks to him I got this far. One of the worst things he said was that the doctors didn’t see the cord around my throat at birth and he removed it and saved my life, almost as id he wanted me to be grateful to him. I remember thinking why on earth would I be grateful to you? I pulled myself up, I made a decent life for myself and he can just rot in his hole, drinking and smoking weed until hes skint. I have nothing against smoking weed, but when you steal to fund that habbit and don’t get food or gas and elecric, then i have a problem. I now have a happy home, a family, a life, food on the table, nice things in my home and its all worth fighting for. Just remember when you feel down and the past abuse is getting you down, find something positive to strive for, such as a target to set yourself. you do it in the knowledge that you pulled yourself up to do so, you could plan to dress yourself nicely, put some make up on, make yourself feel worth it because you are worth it moe than you realise.

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The Lost Truths

Searching for what is to date an invisible justice. sharing my life story to hopefully encourage others to come forward and to speak out and seek that ever illusive justice.

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